Source code for machine_common_sense.stringifier

import logging

import numpy

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Stringifier: """ Defines functions to turn objects into strings for debugging and human readable output. It is not intended to be reconstructed which is why this is seperate from serialization """ NUMBER_OF_DECIMALS = 6 NUMBER_OF_SPACES = 4
[docs] @staticmethod def class_to_str(input_class, depth=0): """ Transforms the given class into a string. Parameters ---------- input_value The input class. depth : int, optional The indent depth (default 0). Returns ------- string """ this_indent = " " * Stringifier.NUMBER_OF_SPACES * depth next_indent = " " * Stringifier.NUMBER_OF_SPACES * (depth + 1) props = { prop_key: prop_value for prop_key, prop_value in vars(input_class).items() if not prop_key.startswith('_') or callable(prop_value) } text_list = [next_indent + "\"" + prop_key + "\": " + Stringifier.value_to_str( prop_value, depth + 1) for prop_key, prop_value in props.items()] return "{}" if not text_list else "{\n" + \ (",\n").join(text_list) + "\n" + this_indent + "}"
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_pretty_object_output(object_list): """ Transforms the given list of ObjectMetadata objects into a list of strings. Parameters ---------- object_list : list of ObjectMetadata objects The input list. Returns ------- list of strings """ # TODO What else should we show here? titles = [ "OBJECT ID", "SHAPE", "COLORS", "HELD", "VISIBLE", "STATE", "POSITION (WORLD)", "DISTANCE (WORLD)", "DIRECTION (WORLD)", "DIMENSIONS (WORLD)" ] rows = [titles] + [ [ metadata.uuid, metadata.shape, ", ".join(metadata.texture_color_list) if (metadata.texture_color_list is not None) else metadata.texture_color_list, metadata.held, metadata.visible, ", ".join(metadata.state_list) if (metadata.state_list is not None) else metadata.state_list, Stringifier.vector_to_string(metadata.position), str(round( metadata.distance_in_world, Stringifier.NUMBER_OF_DECIMALS )), Stringifier.vector_to_string(metadata.direction), ( ( "[" + ", ".join( Stringifier.vector_to_string(corner) for corner in metadata.dimensions ) ) + "]" ) if metadata.dimensions else None, ] for metadata in object_list ] widths = [max(len(str(row[i])) for row in rows) for i in range(len(titles))] return [ " ".join(str(row[i]).ljust(widths[i]) for i in range(len(row))) for row in rows ]
[docs] @staticmethod def value_to_str(input_value, depth=0): """ Transforms the given value into a string. Parameters ---------- input_value The input value. depth : int, optional The indent depth (default 0). Returns ------- string """ this_indent = " " * Stringifier.NUMBER_OF_SPACES * depth next_indent = " " * Stringifier.NUMBER_OF_SPACES * (depth + 1) if input_value is None: return "null" if isinstance(input_value, dict): text_list = [ next_indent + "\"" + str(dict_key) + "\": " + Stringifier.value_to_str(dict_value, depth + 1) for dict_key, dict_value in input_value.items() ] return "{}" if not text_list else "{\n" + \ (",\n").join(text_list) + "\n" + this_indent + "}" if isinstance(input_value, (list, tuple, numpy.ndarray)): input_value_as_list = list(input_value) condense = not any( isinstance(list_item, (dict, list, tuple, numpy.ndarray)) for list_item in input_value_as_list ) if condense: # To condense the list output, remove all of the whitespace. text_list = [ Stringifier.value_to_str(list_item, 0) for list_item in input_value_as_list ] return "[" + (",").join(text_list) + "]" # Else the list output will separate list elements with newlines. text_list = [ next_indent + Stringifier.value_to_str(list_item, depth + 1) for list_item in input_value_as_list ] return "[]" if not text_list else "[\n" + \ (",\n").join(text_list) + "\n" + this_indent + "]" if isinstance(input_value, bool): return "true" if input_value else "false" if isinstance(input_value, (float, numpy.float32, numpy.float64)): return str(round(input_value, Stringifier.NUMBER_OF_DECIMALS)) if isinstance(input_value, str): return "\"" + input_value.replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\"" return str(input_value).replace("\n", "\n" + this_indent)
[docs] @staticmethod def vector_to_string(vector): """ Transforms the given vector into a string. Parameters ---------- vector : dict The input vector. Returns ------- string """ return ( ( '(' + str(round(vector['x'], Stringifier.NUMBER_OF_DECIMALS)) + ',' + str(round(vector['y'], Stringifier.NUMBER_OF_DECIMALS)) + ',' + str(round(vector['z'], Stringifier.NUMBER_OF_DECIMALS)) + ')' ) if vector is not None and 'x' in vector and 'y' in vector and 'z' in vector else 'None' )