Source code for machine_common_sense.controller

import _thread
import atexit
import contextlib
import datetime
import glob
import io
import json
import logging
import os
import platform
import threading
import time
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import ai2thor.controller
import ai2thor.fifo_server
import ai2thor.server
import ai2thor.wsgi_server
import numpy as np
import typeguard  # can we replace with pydantic function validator?

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# How far the player can reach.  I think this value needs to be bigger
# than the MAX_MOVE_DISTANCE or else the player may not be able to move
# into a position to reach some objects (it may be mathematically impossible).

from .action import Action
from .config_manager import ConfigManager, SceneConfiguration
from .controller_events import (AfterStepPayload, BeforeStepPayload,
                                EndScenePayload, EventType, StartScenePayload)
from .controller_output_handler import ControllerOutputHandler
from .goal_metadata import GoalMetadata
from .parameter import Parameter, compare_param_values, rebuild_endhabituation
from .step_metadata import StepMetadata

def __reset_override(self, scene):
    # From # noqa: E501
    # Remove the error check: if scene not in self.scenes_in_build
    self.server.send(dict(action='Reset', sceneName=scene, sequenceId=0))
    self.last_event = self.server.receive()
    self.last_event = self.step(
    return self.last_event

ai2thor.controller.Controller.reset = __reset_override

def __stop_unity_override(self):
    if self.server and self.server.unity_proc:
        self.killing_unity = True
        # Cannot use os.kill on Windows due to permissions, so use Popen.kill.

ai2thor.controller.Controller.stop_unity = __stop_unity_override

def __image_depth_override(self, image_depth_data, **kwargs):
    # From # noqa: E501
    # The MCS depth shader in Unity is completely different now, so override
    # the original AI2-THOR depth image code. Just return what Unity sends us.
    return ai2thor.server.read_buffer_image(

ai2thor.server.Event._image_depth = __image_depth_override

class NumpyAwareEncoderOverride(json.JSONEncoder):
    # From # noqa: E501
    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
            return obj.tolist()
        if isinstance(obj, np.generic):
            return np.asscalar(obj)
        return super(NumpyAwareEncoderOverride, self).default(obj)

ai2thor.server.NumpyAwareEncoder = NumpyAwareEncoderOverride

[docs]class Controller(): """ MCS Controller class implementation for the MCS wrapper of the AI2-THOR library. Parameters ---------- unity_app_file_path: str config: ConfigManager """ @typeguard.typechecked def __init__(self, unity_app_file_path: str, config: ConfigManager): server_class = ai2thor.fifo_server.FifoServer if platform.system() == 'Windows': # Cannot use os.mkfifo on Windows, so use ai2thor's WSGI server. server_class = ai2thor.wsgi_server.WsgiServer # Suppress print statements from the AI2-THOR Controller's constructor. with contextlib.redirect_stdout(io.StringIO()) as _: self._controller = ai2thor.controller.Controller( quality='Medium', fullscreen=False, headless=False, # TODO confirm functionality local_executable_path=unity_app_file_path, width=config.get_screen_width(), height=config.get_screen_height(), scene='MCS', # Unity scene name server_class=server_class, logs=True, # This constructor always initializes a scene, so add a scene # config to ensure it doesn't error sceneConfig={ "objects": [] } ) if not self._controller: raise Exception('AI2-THOR/Unity Controller failed to initialize') self._on_init() self._set_config(config) def _on_init(self): '''Set class variables after controller is initialized''' self._subscribers = [] self._failure_handler_registered = False self._end_scene_called = False self._goal = GoalMetadata() self._last_step_check = -1 self.__habituation_trial = 1 # Output folder used to save debug image, video, and JSON files. self.__output_folder = None self._scene_config = None self.__step_number = 0 self._timer = None self._timer_in_progress = False def _set_config(self, config: ConfigManager): '''Allows config to be changed without changing the controller and attached Unity process. This typically should only be called by the MCS package itself. For users, call machine_common_sense.change_config() ''' self._config = config self._output_handler = ControllerOutputHandler(self._config) self.parameter_converter = Parameter(config) def _check_step_for_timeout(self): '''Meant for use during eval, if a scene is hung on the same step for a period of time, end the scene.''' start_time = time.time() self._timer_in_progress = False timeout_seconds = self._config.get_timeout() if (self._last_step_check < self.__step_number): # skip step check for Initialize step if (self.__step_number != 0): self._last_step_check = self.__step_number timer_seconds = timeout_seconds - \ ((time.time() - start_time) % timeout_seconds) self._timer = threading.Timer(timer_seconds, self._check_step_for_timeout) self._timer.daemon = True self._timer.start() self._timer_in_progress = True else: time_str = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout_seconds)) logger.warning( f"Attempting to end scene due to inactivity (user not taking" f" any steps). Currently this polls for step progress " f"every {time_str} (hh:mm:ss)") self.end_scene(rating=None, score=-1) _thread.interrupt_main()
[docs] @typeguard.typechecked def start_scene( self, config_data: Union[SceneConfiguration, Dict]) \ -> StepMetadata: """ Starts a new scene using the given scene configuration data dict and returns the scene output data object. Parameters ---------- config_data : SceneConfiguration or dict that can be serialized to SceneConfiguration The MCS scene configuration data for the scene to start. Returns ------- StepMetadata The output data object from the start of the scene (the output from an "Initialize" action). """ scene_config = self._convert_scene_config(config_data) self._scene_config = scene_config # When one target key is 'target' # When multiple targets key is 'targets' if config_data.get('goal') is not None and \ config_data['goal'].get('metadata') is not None and \ config_data['goal']['metadata'].get('target') is not None: self.__goal_object_ids = \ [config_data['goal']['metadata']['target']['id']] elif config_data.get('goal') is not None and \ config_data['goal'].get('metadata') is not None and \ config_data['goal']['metadata'].get('targets') is not None: self.__goal_object_ids = \ [sub['id'] for sub in config_data['goal']['metadata']['targets']] else: self.__goal_object_ids = [] self.__habituation_trial = 1 self.__step_number = 0 self.__steps_in_lava = 0 self.__triggered_by_sequence_incorrect = False self._goal = self._scene_config.retrieve_goal( self._config.get_steps_allowed_in_lava()) self._end_scene_called = False skip_preview_phase = (scene_config.goal is not None and scene_config.goal.skip_preview_phase) if (not raise Exception('The `name` field in the scene ' 'file cannot be empty.') if (self._config.is_file_writing_enabled()): os.makedirs(f'./{}', exist_ok=True) self.__output_folder = f'{os.getcwd()}/{}/' file_list = glob.glob(f'{self.__output_folder}*') for file_path in file_list: os.remove(file_path) sc = scene_config.dict(exclude_none=True, by_alias=True) ai2thor_step = self.parameter_converter.wrap_step( output_folder=self.__output_folder, sceneConfig=sc, goal_object_ids=self.__goal_object_ids) # Must call reset first, which automatically initializes the new scene. self._controller.initialization_parameters = ai2thor_step step_output = self._controller.reset(scene='MCS') self._output_handler.set_scene_config(scene_config) (pre_restrict_output, output) = self._output_handler.handle_output( step_output, self._goal, self.__step_number, self.__habituation_trial) self.__steps_in_lava = output.steps_on_lava self.__triggered_by_sequence_incorrect = \ output.triggered_by_sequence_incorrect if not skip_preview_phase: if (self._goal is not None and self._goal.last_preview_phase_step > 0): image_list = output.image_list depth_map_list = output.depth_map_list object_mask_list = output.object_mask_list logger.debug('STARTING PREVIEW PHASE...') for _ in range(self._goal.last_preview_phase_step): output = self.step('Pass') image_list = image_list + output.image_list depth_map_list = depth_map_list + output.depth_map_list object_mask_list = (object_mask_list + output.object_mask_list) logger.debug('ENDING PREVIEW PHASE') output.image_list = image_list output.depth_map_list = depth_map_list output.object_mask_list = object_mask_list # TODO Should this be in the if block? Now that we are using # subscribers, we may want to always register if (self._failure_handler_registered is False and self._config.is_history_enabled()): # make sure history file is written when program exits atexit.register(self.end_scene, rating=None, score=-1) self._failure_handler_registered = True payload = self._create_post_step_event_payload_kwargs( ai2thor_step, step_output, pre_restrict_output, output) start_scene_payload = StartScenePayload(**payload) self._publish_event( EventType.ON_START_SCENE, start_scene_payload) self._check_step_for_timeout() return output
def _convert_scene_config(self, config_data) -> SceneConfiguration: if isinstance(config_data, SceneConfiguration): return config_data return SceneConfiguration(**config_data)
[docs] def step(self, action: str, **kwargs: str) -> Optional[StepMetadata]: """ Runs the given action within the current scene. Parameters ---------- action : string A selected action string from the list of available actions. **kwargs Zero or more key-and-value parameters for the action. Returns ------- StepMetadata The MCS output data object from after the selected action and the physics simulation were run. Returns None if you have passed the "last_step" of this scene. Raises ------ ValueError: If values are outside acceptable ranges or unable to convert to a number. """ if (self._goal.last_step is not None and self._goal.last_step == self.__step_number): logger.error( "You have passed the last step for this scene. " "Ignoring your action. Please call controller.end_scene() " "now.") return None # if they call end scene action they should have # called end_scene instead of step if action == Action.END_SCENE.value: self.end_scene() raise SystemExit(0) # reformulate hidden EndHabituation parameters if action == Action.END_HABITUATION.value: step_action_list = \ self._goal._retrieve_unfiltered_action_list(self.__step_number) action = rebuild_endhabituation(step_action_list) if ',' in action: action, kwargs = Action.input_to_action_and_params(action) is_passive_scene = self._scene_config.is_passive_scene() action_list = self._goal.retrieve_action_list_at_step( self.__step_number, self.__steps_in_lava, self.__triggered_by_sequence_incorrect, is_passive_scene) # Only continue with this action step if the given action and # parameters are in the restricted action list. continue_with_step = any(action == restricted_action and ( len(restricted_params.items()) == 0 or all( compare_param_values(restricted_params.get(key), value) for key, value in kwargs.items() ) ) for restricted_action, restricted_params in action_list) if not continue_with_step: logger.error( f"The given action '{action}' with parameters " f"'{kwargs}' isn't in the action_list. Ignoring your action. " f"Possible actions at step {self.__step_number}:" ) for action_data in action_list: logger.error(f' {action_data}') raise ValueError(f"{action}-{kwargs} not in {action_list}") self.__step_number += 1 payload = self._create_event_payload_kwargs() payload['action'] = action payload['habituation_trial'] = self.__habituation_trial payload['goal'] = self._goal self._publish_event( EventType.ON_BEFORE_STEP, BeforeStepPayload(**payload)) if (action == Action.END_HABITUATION.value): self.__habituation_trial += 1 if (self._goal.last_step is not None and self._goal.last_step == self.__step_number): logger.warning( "This is your last step for this scene. All " "your future actions will be skipped. Please call " "controller.end_scene() now.") ai2thor_step, params = self.parameter_converter.build_ai2thor_step( output_path=self.__output_folder, action=action, goal_object_ids=self.__goal_object_ids, **kwargs) step_output = self._controller.step(ai2thor_step) (pre_restrict_output, output) = self._output_handler.handle_output( step_output, self._goal, self.__step_number, self.__habituation_trial) self.__steps_in_lava = output.steps_on_lava self.__triggered_by_sequence_incorrect = \ output.triggered_by_sequence_incorrect payload = self._create_post_step_event_payload_kwargs( ai2thor_step, step_output, pre_restrict_output, output) payload['ai2thor_action'] = action payload['step_params'] = params payload['action_kwargs'] = kwargs self._publish_event( EventType.ON_AFTER_STEP, AfterStepPayload(**payload)) return output
[docs] @typeguard.typechecked def end_scene( self, rating: Optional[float] = None, score: Optional[float] = None, report: Dict[int, object] = None ) -> None: """ Ends the current scene. Calling end_scene() before calling start_scene() will do nothing. Calling end_scene() twice with the same scene will throw an exception. Parameters ---------- rating : float, optional The plausibility rating to classify a passive / VoE scene as either plausible or implausible. Not used for any interactive scenes. For passive agent scenes, this rating should be continuous, from 0.0 (completely implausible) to 1.0 (completely plausible). For other passive scenes, this rating must be binary, either 0 (implausible) or 1 (plausible). End-of-scene ratings are required for all passive / VoE scenes. (default None) score : float, optional The continuous plausibility score between 0.0 (completely implausible) and 1.0 (completely plausible). End-of-scene scores are required for all passive / VoE scenes except agent scenes. Not used for any interactive scenes or passive agent scenes. (default None) Note: when an issue causes the program to exit prematurely or end_scene isn't properly called but history_enabled is true, this value will be written to file as -1. report : Dict[int, object], optional Variable for retrospective per frame reporting for passive / VoE scenes. Not used for any interactive scenes or passive agent scenes. (default None) Key is an int representing a step/frame number from output step metadata, starting at 1. Value or payload contains: * rating : float or int, optional The plausibility rating to classify a passive / VoE scene as either plausible or implausible. Not used for any interactive scenes. For passive agent scenes, this rating should be continuous, from 0.0 (completely implausible) to 1.0 (completely plausible). For other passive scenes, this rating must be binary, either 0 (implausible) or 1 (plausible). Frame-by-frame ratings are no longer required for any scenes (but end-of-scene ratings are). (default None) * score : float, optional The continuous plausibility score between 0.0 (completely implausible) and 1.0 (completely plausible). Frame-by-frame scores are required for all passive / VoE scenes except agent scenes. Not used for any interactive scenes or passive agent scenes. (default None) * violations_xy_list : List[Dict[str, float]], optional A list of one or more (x, y) locations (ex: [{"x": 1, "y": 3.4}]), each representing a potential violation-of-expectation. These locations are required for all passive / VoE scenes except agent scenes. Not used for any interactive scenes or passive agent scenes. (default None) * internal_state : object, optional A properly formatted json object representing various kinds of internal states at a particular moment. Examples include the estimated position of the agent, current map of the world, etc. (default None) Example report: { 1: { "rating": 1, "score": 0.75, "violations_xy_list": [{"x": 1,"y": 1}], "internal_state": {"test": "some state"} } } """ if (not self._end_scene_called): payload = self._create_event_payload_kwargs() payload['rating'] = rating payload['score'] = score payload['report'] = report self._publish_event( EventType.ON_END_SCENE, EndScenePayload( **payload)) self._end_scene_called = True else: raise RuntimeError("end_scene called twice with the same scene") if (self._failure_handler_registered): atexit.unregister(self.end_scene) self._failure_handler_registered = False if (self._timer_in_progress): self._timer.cancel() self._timer_in_progress = False
[docs] @typeguard.typechecked def stop_simulation(self) -> None: """Stop the 3D simulation environment. This controller won't work any more.""" self._controller.stop()
[docs] @typeguard.typechecked def get_metadata_level(self) -> str: """ Returns the current metadata level set in the config. If none specified, returns 'default'. Returns ------- string A string containing the current metadata level. """ return self._config.get_metadata_tier().value
[docs] @typeguard.typechecked def retrieve_object_states(self, object_id: str) -> List: """Return the state list at the current step for the object with the given ID from the scene configuration data, if any.""" return self._scene_config.retrieve_object_states( object_id, self.__step_number)
def subscribe(self, subscriber): if subscriber not in self._subscribers: self._subscribers.append(subscriber) def remove_all_event_handlers(self): self._subscribers = [] @typeguard.typechecked def _publish_event(self, event_type: EventType, payload: Union[StartScenePayload, BeforeStepPayload, AfterStepPayload, EndScenePayload]): for subscriber in self._subscribers: try: subscriber.on_event(event_type, payload) except Exception as msg: logger.error( f"Error in event with type={event_type}" f" to subscriber={type(subscriber)}", exc_info=msg) def _create_event_payload_kwargs(self) -> dict: return {"step_number": self.__step_number, "config": self._config, "scene_config": self._scene_config} def _create_post_step_event_payload_kwargs( self, wrapped_step, step_metadata, step_output: StepMetadata, restricted_step_output: StepMetadata) -> dict: args = self._create_event_payload_kwargs() args['output_folder'] = self.__output_folder args['timestamp'] ="%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") args['wrapped_step'] = wrapped_step args['step_metadata'] = step_metadata args['step_output'] = step_output args['restricted_step_output'] = restricted_step_output args['goal'] = self._goal return args