Package Developer Notes ======================= Package Installation -------------------- Create a Virtual Environment **************************** .. code-block:: console $ python3.7 -m venv --prompt mcs venv $ source venv/bin/activate (mcs) $ python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel Install the MCS Package and dependencies **************************************** Install the packages included in the requirements file so that linting and documentation work. The requirements.txt file includes developer and package dependencies. .. code-block:: console (mcs) $ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt From the MCS root folder, install the package in your virtual environment in editable mode (-e) so that local changes will automatically reflect in the virtual environment. .. code-block:: console (mcs) $ python -m pip install -e . Run pre-commit ************** Run pre-commit install to set up the git hooks for linting and auto-documentation. .. code-block:: console (mcs) $ pre-commit install Linting ------- We are currently using `flake8 `_ and `autopep8 `_ for linting and formatting our Python code. This is enforced within the python_api and scene_generator projects. Both are `PEP 8 `_ compliant (besides some inline exceptions), although we are ignoring the following rules: - **E402**: Module level import not at top of file - **W504**: Line break occurred after a binary operator A full list of error codes and warnings enforced can be found `here `_ Both have settings so that they should run on save within Visual Studio Code `settings.json `_ as well as on commit after running `pre-commit install` (see `.pre-commit-config.yaml `_ and `.flake8 `_), but can also be run on the command line: .. code-block:: console (mcs) $ flake8 and .. code-block:: console (mcs) $ autopep8 --in-place --aggressive --recursive or .. code-block: console (mcs) $ autopep8 --in-place --aggressive Testing ------- See our `tests README `_ Sphinx Documentation -------------------- - Good Sphinx Tutorial: - Markdown Builder: - Sphinx: - Sphinx's own Tutorial: To generate the Sphinx documentation locally, from the docs folder: .. code-block:: console (mcs) $ make html Python Style Guide ------------------ See Running ------- We have made multiple run scripts: To run a script (like ``) from the terminal with visual output: .. code-block:: console (mcs) $ run_in_human_input_mode To run it headlessly, first install xvfb (on Ubuntu, run `sudo apt-get install xvfb`), then: .. code-block:: console (mcs) $ xvfb-run --auto-servernum --server-args='-screen 0 640x480x24' python3 Each run will generate a subdirectory (named based on your config file) containing the output image files from each step. Making GIFs ----------- First, install ffmpeg. Then (change the frame rate with the `-r` option): .. code-block:: bash $ ffmpeg -r 3 -i frame_image_%d.png output.gif Testing TopDown Plots --------------------- The plotter module has a main which is only executed when the plotter module is run directly vs imported. The developer can provide a scene file as a positional argument and the plotter's main will run with video_enabled for 1 step. This will create a visual, depth and topdown video in a scene folder for quick review. .. code-block:: bash (venv) $ python playroom.json More Config Options --------------------------- Outlined here is a list of config file options that can be used **in addition** to the ones listed under the :ref:`MCS Config File` section. To use a specific configuration, you can either pass in a file path or dictionary of values via the `config_file_or_dict` in the create_controller() method, or set the `MCS_CONFIG_FILE_PATH` environment variable to the path of your MCS configuration file (note that the configuration must be an INI file -- see `sample_config.ini `_ for an example). The `MCS_CONFIG_FILE_PATH` environment variable is meant for use by the TA2 team during evaluation. Developer Config File Properties ******************************** evaluation_name ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (string) Identifier to add to scene history and video files (default: ''). team ^^^^ (string) Team name identifier to prefix to scene history and video files (default: ''). Handling Pull Requests From Contributors ---------------------------------------- Checkout the pull request from github .. code-block:: bash $ git fetch origin +refs/pull//merge If there are any package dependency changes, create a new virtual environment using the initialization steps above. Even if there aren't, it would be a good to start with a fresh environment anyway. Run the unit tests locally .. code-block:: console (mcs) $ python -m unittest If the unit tests pass, then ensure the new code is solves the issue in the PR and follows our coding conventions. Be sure that PEP-8 formatting is correct or is easily fixable. .. code-block:: console (mcs) $ flake8 After iterating with the contributor, if you feel the PR is reasonably close, feel free to approve the PR, merge, and fix any lingering issues. Releases -------- Please see the following `Confluence page `_ Depth Map Data -------------- - In `machine_common_sense/`, in the `StepMetadata` class, in the `__iter__` function, add `yield 'depth_map_list', self.depth_map_list` in order to save the depth map data in debug output files. - Run a scene with `debug` set to `true` and `metadata` NOT set to `none`. .. code-block:: console (mcs) $ python machine_common_sense/scripts/ --config_file machine_common_sense/scripts/config_level1_debug.ini docs/source/scenes/playroom.json - Open one of the debug `mcs_output` files (like `playroom/mcs_output_0.json`) to see the `depth_map_list`